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Our Complaints Process

Complaints? We don't want them, you shouldn't have them.

Complaints Summary

No one likes complaints but bottled up they solve nothing. Reach out to us to help us resolve any grievances.

We always aim to provide an excellent service, but when that doesn't happen, we want to know why. You can raise issues with your case handler directly. If you feel your issue is more of a complaint than a comment, please reach out to us.

You can email complaints@cyborg.finance

We will then independently investigate the issues that you have raised and advise you of our findings. Should you be unhappy with the resolution to your complaint, you may contact the Financial Ombudsman Service.

What will happen after we receive your complaint?

We will investigate your complaint and unless we can resolve it to your satisfaction within three business days of receipt. We will deal with the complaint as follows:

A written acknowledgement will be sent to you within a maximum of five business days of receipt of your complaint. This will include the complaints managers name and contact who is handling your complaint.

We will investigate your complaint as a matter of urgency and respond at the earliest opportunity. Within four weeks of receipting your complaint, we will send a "final response" or an explanation as to why we are not yet in a position to resolve your complaint.

What if you are not satisfied with our response?

If you are not satisfied with our final response to your complaint, or if we are unable to resolve your complaint within eight weeks. You have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

Please note that complaints should always first be made to us directly with time to resolve them, giving you our "final response". Otherwise, the Ombudsman can not handle your case.

Also, you must complain to the Financial Ombudsman within six months of our "final response" to you.

Get in touch

We are your online mortgage broker, offering you the convenience of applying for a mortgage online. However, we understand that sometimes you may prefer to speak with a human - phone, email or in person.

Phone number
01133 205 902
Postal address

31 Bradford Chamber Business Park,

New Lane, Bradford, BD4 8BX

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FCA Authorised

We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (No. 919921). The FCA does not regulate most Buy to Let mortgages.

Think carefully before securing other debts against your home. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

British Company

Cyborg Finance Limited is registered in England and Wales (No. 12131863) at Bradford Chamber, New Lane, Bradford, BD4 8BX

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